How Burn Injuries Are Compensated in Personal Injury Claims in Louisiana

How Burn Injuries Are Compensated in Personal Injury Claims in Louisiana

December 4, 2023

In October of 2023, a mobile home fire in Scott, Louisiana, resulted in two fatalities and left one person with severe burns. The injured, 18-year-old man was reported to be in critical but stable condition at a burn hospital.

The incident occurred at Countryside Mobile Home Park, with the Scott Fire Department responding and firefighters from Duson, Carencro, and Lafayette also assisting. Upon arrival, they found a male with severe burns outside the home and learned two more individuals were inside. Despite efforts, one victim was found and could not be revived, and a third was in another bedroom.

The fire was eventually controlled, but the home and its contents were completely lost.

Burn injuries can range from minor to severe, and in Louisiana, victims have the right to seek compensation through personal injury claims. These injuries often result from fires, chemical exposure, or electrical incidents. In Louisiana, personal injury law recognizes the physical, emotional, and financial tolls of burn injuries. Compensation can cover various aspects, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

When filing a claim, please understand Louisiana follows a comparative fault system. This means compensation might be adjusted based on the victim’s degree of fault in the accident. Additionally, Louisiana has a one-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including those for burn injuries. Timely action is important for victims seeking compensation. Each case is unique, and the compensation reflects the specifics of the injury and its impact on the victim’s life.

Types of Burn Injuries: From First to Fourth Degree

Burn injuries are categorized into four main types, each varying in severity. First-degree burns are the mildest, affecting only the outer layer of skin, known as the epidermis. These burns typically cause redness and pain but heal without much intervention.

Second-degree burns are more serious, damaging not only the epidermis but also the dermis, or the second layer of skin. These burns often result in swelling, blistering, and can be quite painful.

Third-degree burns are more severe, penetrating the entire thickness of the skin, destroying both the epidermis and dermis. They may appear white or charred and can cause numbness due to nerve damage.

Fourth-degree burns are the most severe, extending beyond the skin into tendons, bones, and muscles. They are life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. 

Medical Costs and Burn Injury Compensation: What to Expect

When someone suffers a burn injury, the medical costs can be substantial, often forming a significant part of a personal injury claim in Louisiana. These costs vary widely based on the burn’s severity. For minor burns, expenses might include outpatient treatment and over-the-counter medication. However, more severe burns can require hospitalization, surgery, specialized wound care, and long-term rehabilitation.

In addition to immediate treatment costs, burn injuries often necessitate ongoing medical care, such as physical therapy, cosmetic surgery for scarring, and psychological counseling to address trauma. These long-term costs can add up, impacting the financial stability of the injured person.

In Louisiana, burn-injury individuals can seek compensation for current and anticipated future medical expenses. The total medical costs in a personal injury claim depend on the burn’s severity, the required treatments, and the recovery time. Accurate assessment of these costs is important for ensuring victims receive adequate compensation to cover all health-related expenses from the injury.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity in Burn Injury Cases

In cases of burn injuries, the impact on an individual’s ability to work can be significant. Lost wages, a common consequence, refer to the income the injured person could not earn due to injury. This includes time taken off for hospital stays, medical appointments, and recovery periods.

Beyond immediate lost wages, burn injuries can affect long-term earning capacity. Severe burns may lead to physical limitations or disfigurements, hindering the person’s ability to perform their job as before, or even requiring a career change. This change can decrease earning potential, especially if the new job pays less or requires retraining.

In Louisiana, compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity is considered in personal injury claims. Accurately calculating these losses involves considering the current lost income and potential future earnings impacted by the injury. These calculations aim to ensure individuals are compensated for both immediate and future financial losses due to their inability to work at full capacity.

Pain and Suffering: Calculating Non-Economic Damages

In personal injury cases, including those involving burn injuries, ‘pain and suffering’ refers to non-economic damages, a category encompasses the physical pain and emotional distress the victim experiences. Unlike medical bills or lost wages, these damages are not easily quantified in monetary terms, yet they form a significant part of the impact on the victim’s life.

Calculating pain and suffering involves considering the severity and duration of the injury, the level of physical discomfort, and the emotional and psychological effects. For instance, severe burns can lead to chronic pain, scarring, disfigurement, and emotional trauma, such as anxiety and depression. The impact on the victim’s daily life, including their ability to enjoy former hobbies and maintain relationships, is also considered.

In Louisiana, there is no exact formula to calculate these damages. Instead, factors like the injury’s severity and long-term implications help determine a fair compensation amount. These damages recognize severe injuries’ broader, often life-changing impact beyond financial costs.

Legal Process for Burn Injury Claims in Louisiana

Burn Injury Law

The legal process for burn injury claims in Louisiana involves several steps. Initially, the injured party, often with medical documentation, must establish the cause of the burn and demonstrate how another party’s negligence or actions contributed to the injury. This is crucial for establishing liability.

Once liability is established, the injured person can file a claim seeking compensation for damages. These damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and long-term care costs. In Louisiana, the law considers the concept of comparative fault, which means compensation may be reduced if the injured party is found partly responsible for the accident.

The process often involves negotiations with insurance companies. If the parties involved cannot reach a settlement, the case may proceed to trial. In such a scenario, the outcome will be determined by a judge or jury. It is essential to note that adherence to Louisiana’s one-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims is crucial to ensure the success of a claim.

If you have suffered a burn injury, contact us or call 504-526-2222 for a free consultation. 

By |2023-12-19T21:30:08+00:00December 4th, 2023|Personal Injury|

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